Professional Spam Protection Interface

In THIS article I explained how to access your Professional Spam Protection here at SuperWebHost.

Once logged in here are the key points for managing your spam protection. 

    • Spam Quarantine - lists all mail that has come into the quarantine (i.e. seen as spam and not delivered).   Actions that can be taken in this screen include:

      • SEARCH - use the search field to search for a particular email or set of emails

      • EMPTY SPAM QUARANTINE - empties / deletes the quarntine (helpful IF you are checking it regularly, after checking it empty so you don't have to scan through the same emails again)

      • DROP BOX - next to each email in the queue is a check box with a drop arrow.   You can check the box and then select an action to apply to that email in the quarntine.  Options are:

        • RELEASE - Releases the mail to be delivered but does not train the system (i.e. likely to see it as spam again) good if it grabbed something as spam that you want, but you would want it to grab it as spam again in the future

        • RELEASE AND TRAIN - Releases the email for delivery and TRAINS the system that mail like that should be delivered (rather then going to quarantine) in the future.

        • RELEASE AND WHITELIST - Releases the email for delivery and whitelists that email address so all mail from that address is delivered in the future

        • REMOVE - Trashes the message (no need to do this unless you really want to, things are auto deleted from the quarantine after a certain amount of time)

        • REMOVE AND BLACKLIST - Trashes the message and learns the system to blacklist (straight to trash - no quarantine) all messages from that email address in the future.

    • Domain Statistics - shows stats on mail (how much was spam, what was delivered, etc.)

    • Filter Settings - Set how sensitive the filter is and other similar settings

    • Report Spam & Report Not Spam - Allows you to upload a spam message to train the system

    • All options under this section are to set up reporting.   Basically you can set up reports to email you and tell you what is in the quarnanine so you can scan that email (daily or weekly) to see if you need to log in and modify settings, release mails, etc.

    • These settings allow you to whitelist or blacklist certain domains, email addresses, etc.

    • Manage Email Users - Allows you to add an email user that can log directly into to manage just their email (i.e. the quarantine for their emails only rather then the entire domain).
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