Whether you are just starting out or have been in business for 18 years, the road to success for the business owner can feel long, winding and overwhelming. It will have it’s shares of ups, downs and flat tires. You will deal with the unexpected delays or a detour that took out more time than you anticipated.
Acknowledging the milestones will help with motivation during the long stretches of goals and they can be found everywhere. Perhaps you are celebrating a new employee, a new client or a promotion. Perhaps it is making your sales goal for the quarter or even staying dead even without dipping into the red for the first month.
Taking it mile by mile can make any goal or beginning to a long adventure seem doable. By looking at what it going right or mini-accomplishments along the way, your spirts will get an instant boost. Staying focused on where you are and how you are doing keeps you rooted in the present without being overwhelmed by how many miles you still have to go.
You will get to where you want to go — just take it mile by mile.
What milestone have your recently reached?
Fast Company.com: Advice for Making a Fresh Start