Accessing Professional Spam Protection

Once enabled on your account you can access your Professional Spam Protection via your management area at

Once logged in choose SERVICES -> My services in the main navigation area.

Find your Professional Spam Protection service in the list and click on the green ACTIVE button on the right hand side of that service.

At the bottom of the screen under the bold text that says "MANAGEMENT" you have four options:

  • Edit Contact Email Address - which allows you to edit your email address that this service will send alerts to.

  • Manage routes - lets you set what mail server the email is delivered to after being filtered.   By default this is already set for you and most people will not need to change this.   Only change this setting if familiare with mail servers otherwise please contact us.

  • Manage aliases - we allow you to filter emails that run through an aliased domain at no extra cost.    This is where you set that up.

  • Log In To Panel - this takes you into our dedicated Professional Spam Protection panel with every tool that you need to manage your spam settings.    Read more about how that works HERE.
  • email, spam
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