Yep, that’s right FREE. We at are offering FREE ID Protection on new purchases or renewal registrations for all .com domains.
Protecting your information is essential in this day and age. So why do so many domain owners not protect their information? Perhaps you didn’t realize that when you register a domain that the Name, Address, Phone Number and Email Address of the domain owner show up in public databases that anyone can access. has always offered a protection service to allow you to hide this information for a small fee. has now waived the fees associated with ID Protection, so there is no reason not to protect your private information.
What is ID Protection? Check it out here.
Add ID Protection to your .com domain purchase at checkout and your domain will be protected for FREE, as long as you have the domain registered with us.
Take control of who has your personal information with our FREE ID Protection today.
Keep an eye out for future posts, as we will be adding FREE ID Protection to other domain extensions in the near future.