“There will be so many times you fell like you failed, but in the eyes, heart, and mind of your child you will always be Super Mom!”
~Stephanie Precourt
Mother’s Day, it’s the one day of the year that you get to cherish the only one person whose influence has made you who you are today.
Mothers are not only important but have a special ingenuity that makes them the irrefutable nurturers of children right from the womb. They spend a significant part of their lives caring, protecting, and nurturing their children. It is a hard job, but gratifying and fulfilling when you see what your sons and daughters have finally become.
Nevertheless, the objective of writing this post is to attest to the hard work that mothers put to ensure the success of their children over time. It’s quite understood that there’s no subject that people differ so much as to who plays an influential role in the success of their children – and without a doubt, this topic invites arguments. One thing is true though; while no one parent can be pronounced as superior in child rearing, women have surely demonstrated their motherhood role as a spirited influence that stimulates children physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually.
In the first three to five years of life, a child learns more than any other time. At this early stage, mothers are not only involved in caring and protecting their children, but also instil knowledge, values, purpose, and responsibility which enables children to grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Child development experts indicate that every mother’s love, care and teachings create a permanent impression in the heart and mind of the child. The influence a mother has on her child is considered the primary factor that determines whether a child will be able to thrive and flourish with other people successfully. Her love and attention is not only needed for a child’s physical growth but also helps in a child’s personal development and success. According to studies, children who spent quality time with their mothers tend to fare better than children who were put into a substitute care program. Yes, mothers teach kids how to think, love, care and work together with other people in life – and that’s success.
So, as you’ll be busy celebrating this Mother’s Day, remember moms carry out and accomplish the toughest job, and their role in the success of our lives needs recognition since we owe them a massive debt of gratitude.
Happy Mother’s Day to all moms – you are irreplaceable gifts from God, and you deserve all the accolades.