What is a WordCamp

A few years ago, as I began to expand my use of WordPress with my clients, I was longing for a way to connect to other WordPress users and developers.   I began to search for seminars or training opportunities for WordPress, and I discovered a thing called WordCamp.

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Boost Your Confidence By Clearing Your Head

ConfidenceHackConfidence levels fluctuate with all of us. When we’ve nailed a presentation or tackled a difficult work challenge, we feel like we are soaring above the rest.

We’ve all had those less than stellar days when our self-confidence plummets back to Earth. Perhaps it was a business meeting that didn’t go as planned. Maybe you lost a client or suffered a setback with a vendor relationship.

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Well Written Code

If you write any kind of computer “code” (HTML, PHP, JavaScript, C++) then learning to write clean well written code is imperative.   At a conference once, one of the speakers said when you’re finding your coding style, always imagine the next guy looking at the code is a psychopath who knows where you live.   In other words, you don’t want to torque that guy off.

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